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[Lederausgabe (IB 28)] Hofmannsthal, Hugo von: Der Tor und der Tod. [ Permalink ]

>>> article no.: 30299 <<<

Leipzig, Insel, Teilauflage aus 107–127.Tsd. schwarzes Original-Leder mit Insel-Signet, Kopfgoldschnitt, marmoriertes Vorsatzpapier, Leder, Lederausgabe Insel-Bücherei Nr. 28
[ Tags: Lederausgabe der INSELBÜCHEREI ]

Often used abbreviations and their translations

Condition: private Widmung hinter dem Vorsatzpapier, hinterer Einbanddeckel mit kleineren Druckstellen – insgesamt schönes Exemplar

 – picture on request –

Price: 170.00 €
(exempt from VAT acc. to § 19 UStG)

– Details –

Category:INSEL Publisher > Various (3,282)
INSEL-Verlag > Verschiedenes
Author:Hofmannsthal (66)
Keyword:Leather Edition (6)

– Background –

Hugo von Hofmannsthal was a versatile Austrian writer, born on February 1, 1874, and passed away on July 15, 1929. He was a prolific novelist, librettist, poet, dramatist, narrator, and essayist. Hofmannsthal collaborated with the composer Richard Strauss and wrote libretti for several of his operas, including the famous Der Rosenkavalier (1911). He also adapted the 15th-century morality play Everyman as Jedermann, which became a staple at the Salzburg Festival. During World War I, he held a government post and wrote speeches and articles supporting the war effort, emphasizing the cultural tradition of Austria-Hungary. His later works revealed an interest in religious themes, particularly Roman Catholicism. Hofmannsthal's idea of the role of the artist was to create works that would inspire or inflame the instinct, rather than merely preserving it in a creative form. He believed that the artist should be a man of the world, immersed in both politics and art.

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