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Busch, Wilhelm: Zwiefach sind die Phantasien. [ Permalink ]

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Leipzig, Philipp Reclam jun. Sie erhalten ein Taschenbuch der Reclams Universal - Bibliothek in gut erhaltener OBro. nach 1963 erschienen (1. oder Folgeauflage).= RUB Nr. 203, Taschenbuch

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– Details –

Category:Reclam & Pocketbooks > Comics & Humour (2)
Reclam & Taschenbücher > Comics & Humor
Author:Busch (46)

– Background –

Wilhelm Busch (1832–1908) was one of Germany's most influential humoristic poets and artists. His first picture stories appeared as single-sheet prints starting from 1859. Later on, they were published in book form under the title “Bilderpossen” in 1864. At his death, he was considered a classic of German humor due to his extremely popular picture stories. Wilhelm Busch was a pioneer of comics, creating famous works such as “Max and Moritz,” “Fipps, der Affe,” “Die fromme Helene,” and “Hans Huckebein der Unglücksrabe.” He often used satire to criticize the behavior of specific groups or individuals in society, such as the self-satisfaction and double standards of the middle class or the hypocrisy of religious figures. Despite his success, he considered his picture stories of little value and saw them only as a means of earning a living. He also tried to establish himself as a serious painter, but he failed due to his own standards. Nonetheless, he left a great legacy as one of the most important humoristic artists in Germany.