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Einträge 1 bis 20 von 184
it Moliere - Le Opere di G.B.P. di Moliere. 4. Band ( 9 Teile in diesem Band).Leipzig, Gleditsch 1698,480,00 €
fr de Rimbaud, Arthur - Mein traurig Herz voll Tabaksaft. Gedichte.Leipzig, Reclam 2003,7,00 €
fr Bild verfügbarRacine, Jean - Oeuvres de Racine (7 Bände Tragödien in einem Band: Berenice; Bajazet; Mithridate; Iphigenie; Phedre et Hippolyte; Esther; Athalie.)Paris (letzter Band: Amsterdam, Schelte) 1690–1696,1.800,00 €
fr Florian - Theatre de M. Florian. Bände 1–3.Paris, Didot Jeune 1791,75,00 €
en Wilde, Oscar - The Poems.Leipzig, Tauchnitz 1919 (= Collection of British Authors Tauchnitz Edition Vol. 4290),45,00 €
en Wilde, Oscar - A Woman Of No Importance. A Play.Leipzig, Tauchnitz 1919 (= Collection of British Authors Tauchnitz Edition Vol. 4157),11,00 €
en Shaw, Bernhard - The Four Pleasant Plays.Leipzig, Tauchnitz 1920 (= Collection of British Authors Tauchnitz Edition Vol. 4472),8,00 €
en Sharp, William (Hrsg.) - Sea-Music. The Canterbury Poets. An Anthology of Poems and Passages descriptive of the Sea.London, Scott ca. 1900,32,00 €
en Shakespeare, William - Comedies.London, Dutton (1924),35,00 €
en Robertson, William - My Wife's Diary. A Farce. In one Act.Leipzig, Hartung 1856,24,00 €
en Read, Herbert - Eclogues. A Book Of Poems.Westminster, Beaumont Press 1919,250,00 €
en Read, Herbert - Collected Poems 1913–1925.London, Faber and Gwyer 1926,90,00 €
en Paul, Howard - Opposite Neighbours, an Original Farce. In one Act.Leipzig, Hartung 1855,24,00 €
en Lunn, Joseph - Fish out of Water. A Farce. In one Act.Leipzig, Hartung 1856,24,00 €
en Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth - Poems.London, Blackie & Son 1905,28,00 €
en Lille, Herbert - As Like As Two Peas. A Farce. In one Act.Leipzig, Hartung 1856,18,00 €
en Burns, Robert - Poems and Songs.London and Glasgow, Collins 1955,28,00 €
en Buckstone, John B. - A Rough Diamond. A Comic Drama. In one Act.Leipzig, Hartung 1856,24,00 €
en Browning, Robert - The Poetical Works Vol. 1–4.Leipzig, Tauchnitz 1872 (= Collection of British Autors Tauchnitz Edition Vol. 1197 + 1198; 2278 +2279),100,00 €
de ru Celan, Paul - Mohn und Gedächtnis. Gedichte. Deutsch und Russisch.Czernowitz 2013,28,00 €
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