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Einträge 1 bis 20 von 188
de en Donne, John - Zwar ist auch Dichtung Sünde. Gedichte englisch und deutsch.Leipzig, Philipp Reclam jun.6,00 €
en Yosemite By Rail.Merced (California), Yosemite Valley Railroad Co. ca. 1920,36,00 €
en Read, Herbert (Hrsg.) - Wordsworth. The Clark Lectures 1929–1930.London, Cape 1930,75,00 €
en Dickmann, Kim - Wedding & Long Hair (vorwiegend Braut-Frisuren).London ca. 1990,32,00 €
en Views of Ventnor & Neighbourhood.London, Rock & Co. (1870),480,00 €
en Views of Beautiful New York City (Touristen-Prospekt)New York, Cooper ca. 1935,35,00 €
en Stowe, Harriet Beecher / Burnett, Frances Hodgson - Uncle Tom's Cabin / Little Lord Fauntleroy.Berlin, Herbig 1910,48,00 €
en Two Hundred And Fifty ( 250 ) Views Of London.London, Butler ca. 1910,18,00 €
en Macgregor, Mary - Told to the Children: Stories of King Arthur’s Knight.London, Jack ca. 1910,25,00 €
en THREE TALES FOR BOYS. (A HERO. THE LITTLE LYCHETTS. COLA MONTI.) In One Volume. Copyright Edition.Leipzig, Tauchnitz 1864,12,00 €
en Jerome K. Jerome - Three Men in a Boat.Bielefeld, Velhagen & Klasing 1938 (= English Autors Band 82),18,00 €
en Sowerby, Githa - The Wise Book.London, Milford ca. 1905,16,00 €
en Ainsworth, William Harrison - The Tower of London. An Historical Romance.London, Routledge and Sons ca. 1890,48,00 €
en Grabbe, Paul - The Story of the Orchestral Music and ist Times.New York, Grosset & Dunlap 1942,11,00 €
en Grabbe, Paul - The Story of the Hundresd Symphonic Favorites.New York, Grosset & Dunlap 1940,11,00 €
en Kaufmann, Helen L. - The Story of One Hundred Great Composers.New York, Grosset & Dunlap 1943,11,00 €
en Dickens, Charles - The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club.London, Nelson & Sons ca. 1905,20,00 €
en Dickens, Charles - The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club.Leipzig, Tauchnitz 1842 (= Collection of British Autors Tauchnitz Edition Vol. 2 + 3),20,00 €
en Southey, Robert - The Poetical Works. Complete in one Volume.Paris, Galignani 1829,120,00 €
en Browning, Robert - The Poetical Works Vol. 1–4.Leipzig, Tauchnitz 1872 (= Collection of British Autors Tauchnitz Edition Vol. 1197 + 1198; 2278 +2279),100,00 €
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Einträge 1 bis 20 von 188