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Entries 121 to 140 of 188
en Burns, Robert - Poems and Songs.London and Glasgow, Collins 1955,28.00 €
en Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth - Poems.London, Blackie & Son 1905,28.00 €
en Captain Marryat - Poor Jack.London, Henry G. Bohn 1860,120.00 €
en Cook's Nile Services and Palestine Tours - Programme or Arrangements for Visiting Egypt, The Nile, Sudan, Palestine and Syria. Season 1926–27.London, Cook & Son 1926,75.00 €
de en Seppi, Andrea / Junghans Steffen - Protokoll JVA ( Justizvollzugsanstalten ). Protocol JVA ( institutions for the execution of justice ).Leipzig, Institut für Buchkunst 2001,35.00 €
de en sv reflecta classic AF/IR/Z. 1995,11.00 €
en Rhone Glacier (Rhone-Gletscher) Hotel Gletsch.Anonym ca. 1925,48.00 €
de ru en Riga.Riga 1961,24.00 €
en Robarts, Edith - Robinson Crusoe in Words of one Syllable.London, Cassell and Comp. ca. 1910,25.00 €
ru en Iwanowa, E.A. - Russkie Samowarui. Russian Samovars.Leningrad 1971,30.00 €
en ru S.W. Transmitter Type 'Ilmen'.Moskau, Sudoimport ca. 1965,16.00 €
en Wilde, Oscar - Salome. A Tragedy in one Act.Leipzig, Tauchnitz 1909 (= Collection of Brithish Autors Tauchnitz Edition Vol 4133),28.00 €
de en Schwarzer Bruder. Lyrik amerikanischer N****.Leipzig, Philipp Reclam jun. Englisch und Deutsch.4.00 €
en Sharp, William (Hrsg.) - Sea-Music. The Canterbury Poets. An Anthology of Poems and Passages descriptive of the Sea.London, Scott ca. 1900,32.00 €
en Kesseler, Rob / Stuppy, Wolfgang - Seeds. Time Capsules of Live.Papadakis 2009,38.00 €
en Goldsmith, Oliver - Select Works ( The Vicar of Wakefield ).Berlin, Nauck 1816,32.00 €
en Goldsmith, Oliver - Select Works.Leipzig, Tauchnitz 1920 (= Collection of British Authors Tauchnitz Edition Vol. 22),9.00 €
en Jerome K. Jerome - Sketches in Lavender Blue and Green.Leipzig, Tauchnitz 1918 (= Collection of British Authors Tauchnitz Edition Vol. 3216),35.00 €
en Donaldson, Lois - Smoky. The Lively Locomotive. (in Deutschland erschien dieses Buch 1926 bei Stalling in Oldenburg als Bilderbuch Nr. 53 mit gleichen Bildern aber anderem Text).Chicago, Whitman & Co. 1933,140.00 €
en fr gr Souvenir d'Athenes.Paris ca. 1925,18.00 €
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Entries 121 to 140 of 188